Last night as the chill set in, I sat down to the tying bench. Of the vice came sixteen Zebra midges size 18. Three went into a fly box that I will be giving my cousin (who is just getting started in fly fishing), and the rest went into my midge box. Of those there are three that I had tied a variation of. I added a green flashabou shellback. While I like patterns that have a multi-colors, this little experimental pattern may be too flashy. At least it seemed flashy under the vice light with the silver ribbing, the flashabou, and the silver beadhead all reflecting the light back at me. After that I tied two and a half wet flies as I kind of got distracted with that hour long fashion show by Victoria's Secret. I told my wife that I thought is was commercial and I had to pay attention to it for her sake. ;) wink wink. I wonder how effective a zebra midge tied with a CDC wing hand picked from one of those Vickies outfits would be?
Curiously yours,
Curiously yours,
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